Back to: Authentic Youth Voice
There are several tools that have been developed to measure aspects of youth voice, empowerment and engagement. The strengths of each tool are noted below.
Youth Efficacy/Empowerment Scale
Assesses youth perceptions of efficacy with respect to managing their own mental health condition, managing their own services and supports, and using their experience and knowledge to help peers and improve service systems.
Youth/Young Adult Voice at the Agency Level (Y-VAL)
Self-assessment of an organization’s use of an array of best practices in youth voice in advising and decision-making.
Youth/Young Adult Voice on Councils/ Committees (Y-VOC)
Self-assessment of the use of an array of best practices youth voice on system-level advisory councils.
Youth-Adult Partnership Rubric (Y-AP)
The Rubric presents key indicators and behavioral examples to capture the four critical dimensions of Y-AP highlighted in this article: (1) authentic decision-making, (2) natural mentors, (3) reciprocity, and (4) community connectedness. Ratings are based on observations.
Youth Adult Partnership
This 9-item measure is completed by youth and has two factors measuring supportive adult relationships and youth voice in decision making.