Strengthening and Maintaining your Governance Board


If your governance board already exists, how do you strengthen the board and ensure that all board members are prepared for their roles? It is important that all board members know and understand their roles and purposes and that the administrative and financial structures of the governance body be clearly established. Consideration should be given to the following tasks:

Tasks to Establish Roles and Purpose
  • Have a clear vision and mission for the board, with a multi-year strategic plan for accomplishing the groups goals.
  • Ensure the membership is diverse, able to make decisions on behalf of their organizations, and influential in the community.
  • Regularly communicate with board members, including on-boarding new members, providing minutes and follow-up with absent members, and mentoring or support to members, if desired.
  • Provide on-going training or group activities to ensure alignment with the SOC values and guiding principles.
  • Identify and measure key indicators of the desired system, as well as child and family outcomes and track progress over time.
  • Ensure all members are actively involved in decision-making, including decisions on resource allocation.
  • Ensure all members are responsible for tasks that support the strategic plan and accountable for their contributions.
  • Develop and implement a communication plan to ensure community stakeholders are well-informed about the SOC and opportunities to participate.
  • Seek feedback from board members on a regular basis to identify opportunities for improvement, support or training needs, or concerns related to board functioning.
  • Engage in peer learning by inviting other community boards to share their structure, accomplishments, and barriers with members.



